
Since childhood I have been occasionally worried about the commitment in the Sacrament prayers about “always remember Him”. Not so much the first prayer about being willing to always remember, but the second, in which we witness that we DO always remember. Because, like what if I was taking a math test, because math was […]


This week my four year old granddaughter was playing with dice from our toy cupboard. She told us that she had built a tower that would not fall down, because she had carefully given it a good foundation. I was delighted to see that the parables she learned in Come Follow Me study with her […]


My favorite part of the Pentecost story in Acts 2 is the first verse: “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” I’ve often wondered if the amazing experiences of that day would have occurred if they had not been in accord with each other. […]


When I was a child, I loved to watch stars. I’d sit in the sheep pasture watching them slowly emerge at dusk, or gaze for hours lying on a quilt outside, “sleeping under the stars” when Dad took us up into the canyon near us. I loved the Milky Way and its promise of the […]

Catch me first!

At my granddaughter’s wedding, I met several of her new family-in-laws. One aunt was warm and outgoing, not only introducing herself but lingering to chat.   As we talked about how we had each come to live where we are and about promptings that led us there despite misgivings, she laughed and then said a delightful […]


Since President Nelson’s talk “Peacemakers Needed” in April Conference, I’ve been watching myself pretty closely for conflict and contention, and I’m disappointed to find how often I think negative or judgmental thoughts about others. It’s particularly bad when I read the news, but also crops up while driving and, sadly, even in family conversations. I […]

He loves us ALL?

Whenever I am in an airport, especially a crowded one, I find myself looking for people who resemble someone I know. I think it’s my brain trying to come to terms with the huge number of people I DON’T know! It’s mind-boggling to think of all the strangers in the airport, and then in all […]

It’s nearly summer!

My Montmorency cherry tree is setting fruit nicely. Just beyond it, my mimosa tree is barely leafing out. The first season after I planted the mimosa, I thought it had not survived winter. It was a collection of bare sticks while everything else was budding and blooming. Fortunately I didn’t have time to pull it […]

The truth of ALL things

I’ve been pretty stressed over a wedding dress. I enjoy sewing for people I love, but wedding dresses are once in a lifetime memories. And, the brides never seem to say, “Grandma, I found a standard pattern I really like!” Rather, they find an assortment of pictures and want the sleeves like this but shorter, […]

I Can’t Wait!

Recently I found one of my first attempts at keeping a journal. I noted then that my most urgent goals were to be organized and be patient. Fifty years later, I’d probably list those items again, if I were organized enough to set new goals and patient enough to write them down! I think these […]