Category: Uncategorized


Watching a dear daughter struggling through the nausea and fatigue of early pregnancy while caring for a two year old has made me sympathetic and even a bit nostalgic! Certainly bearing and raising children qualifies as “travail”, but it also brings great joy, and we agreed it was absolutely worth what it cost. The joy […]

Learn to Share and Help Each Other

Three people were in the checkout line when I joined it. The gentleman just leaving was advising the young checker to always pay cash, never have debt. As she began to assist the next customer, the checker said she’d really like to do that, but couldn’t see how, with tuition and housing and car needs. […]

Oh Say What is Truth?

I participated in debate as an early college student. It was really a blast, and it also made some lasting changes in my critical thinking skills. In those pre-computer days, we carried a file box of 4×6 cards to each tournament. It was chock full of quotes from “authorities” on the assigned topic’s proposition for […]

“His Hands”

So, to be honest, I didn’t always like reading Isaiah. I’m one of many who either read doggedly through words that didn’t seem to say anything clearly, or skipped over Nephi’s transcription completely in order to get back to the story.  Eventually, though, I realized that if Nephi and Mormon, who both saw our day […]


I found this cute picture at a second hand store about the time I had 3 kids under 4. It so captured the way I wished I could parent that I gladly spent a couple of dollars and hung it on my bedroom wall. After a week or so I looked up the scripture it […]

Abraham, Family, and Love

Years ago I was teaching Sunday School, and we were considering the promises given to Abraham of posterity (Abraham 3:14) and the responsibilities and blessings his posterity would have.As a visual aid, I brought a picture of our family taken the year we began. It has 11 people in it. Then I showed a picture […]

Website Changes

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our ward bulletin and website are, like each of us, a work in progress. Please check back often for updates. Please DON’T let it distract you from worship! It will still be there after our meetings!


Starting in 2022 we will be meeting in the Stake Center now. Sacrament meetings will be held at 9:00 am. At 10:00 am Priesthood, Relief Society, Gospel Doctrine and all other meetings will be held. The meeting invites will be sent over email. If you are not getting the invites please contact a member of […]

Temple and Family History Work

CLEARFIELD UTAH NORTH STAKE Temple and Family History Work SERVING THE LORD Dear Brothers and Sisters, Recently, Brother Roger Byington, of the High Council, emailed a letter to all Stake members reminding us of the importance of, and the wonderful blessings associated with, Temple and Family History Work. He invited us to be actively engaged […]

Stake Announcement

Brothers and Sisters, This notice is intended to provide information to you regarding what we as a stake are doing in relation to the pandemic COVID 19 virus. First and foremost let us remember that the Lord is in charge. He will guide us, inspire us, bless us, and succor us! Faith / Facts / […]