
I so enjoyed Conference! I’m always so impressed that prophets, who can see much more than I can of both the world and the future, can be so cheerful and optimistic!  It helps me hope.

I also really enjoyed the reports between sessions of many of the Church’s efforts and programs in other parts of the world.

The image of a woman carrying a large container of water on her head as well as another in her hand was accompanied by the explanation that women in her village walk for a half hour each day to obtain safe drinking water for their families.

I keep thinking of those women as I walk several times a day a few feet to my refrigerator, to get another glassful of water that is not only safe, but filtered to remove the flavor of the chemicals that made it safe, and then chilled to perfection. I’ve been oblivious and ungrateful. For so much more than water.

It’s a small matter for me to adjust my budget to donate a bit more to the Humanitarian Fund that is helping bring water to more villages. It’s not really a sacrifice. I hope it will be enough to remind me to be grateful and cheerful and to notice how blessed I am.