A Conference Miracle

It was time for General Conference, in the spring of 1977. It was also a time of great scarcity in my life, financially, emotionally, and even spiritually- perhaps the most difficult time I can recall.

I felt an immense desire for the counsel and peace of Conference. But, at that time our little family was living in an old house on a remote ranch. We didn’t have a television, or even a radio. I had no money for gasoline to drive to any friend or family who would have shared the broadcast with me. I tried to reconcile myself to waiting for the next month to read the Conference issue of the Ensign.

On the Sunday morning, as I pondered the important and eternal decisions I was facing and longed for enlightenment, I suddenly realized that our car had a functional radio.  I made a guess that I could turn the ignition to accessory and listen for 10 or 15 minutes without draining the battery too much to start the car later.

I quickly bundled my two babies into the car and tuned in to Conference. And, in that few minutes, I received both the answer and the peace that I had longed for.

This conference I will feast! I’ll listen, watch, replay, read, and study in so many ways.

But I know surely that if we come to Conference with needs or questions, we’ll receive what we need. I have no doubt. I’ll never forget, or cease to be grateful, for 1977.