
My favorite part of the Pentecost story in Acts 2 is the first verse:

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.”

I’ve often wondered if the amazing experiences of that day would have occurred if they had not been in accord with each other.

Then I usually wonder if we would have similar experiences in our church or family gatherings if we were all truly in accord.

It’s not easy to gather and have no tensions or conflicts in our minds and hearts. We tend to compare ourselves unfavorably with others near us, or to remember small slights and disagreements before we remember how much we have in common.

Yet, as we learn to follow our Savior and to love each other as he loves us, the little earthly things matter less, and the eternal nature of our relationships matter more. Being of one accord, being united in song or prayer or purpose, becomes more achievable. 

I’m grateful that our meetings give us so many opportunities to sing, sustain, and pray with one accord. It’s great practice! As we do so, we invite the Spirit to meet with us, and to fill our hearts.

~Nita Smith