Catch me first!

At my granddaughter’s wedding, I met several of her new family-in-laws. One aunt was warm and outgoing, not only introducing herself but lingering to chat.  

As we talked about how we had each come to live where we are and about promptings that led us there despite misgivings, she laughed and then said a delightful thing.

“I know, it’s like Jesus is saying “Jump! I will catch you!” And we are saying, “Wait! Catch me first, and then I’ll jump!”

That ludicrously accurate depiction of a lack of faith has stayed with me, causing both chuckles and uncomfortable self assessment. How often have I been slow to act on an invitation or a prompting because I’m not sure where I’ll end up if I act? And how many blessings have I missed because I was afraid to jump? How many warm spiritual hugs might I have felt as He caught me after a leap of faith?

I kept the phrase “Catch me first” on my notes in my phone, where I see it when I check my to-do and grocery lists. I’m going to work harder at thinking  “OK, here I go!” when an invitation comes.

~Nita Smith