Mary, or Martha?

I used to struggle with Mary and Martha. I always leaned toward wanting that “good part” and sitting at the Savior’s feet, but with 11 kids and some demanding callings and an agency to run, I was most often  full of cares and troubled and overwhelmed with the need to serve. For a while I kept a picture of Mary and Martha on my bedroom wall to remind me of balancing both sides.

It helps me in the busy times to remember that Martha was also serving the Savior. Feeding people and making them comfortable is serving too. As long as we get some spiritual food each day, and  work thinking of loving service rather than impressing others and getting praise or resenting family members who could do more to help out, we’re in good shape.

I learned to pray each morning to understand what the Savior felt was most important for me to do that particular day. Often it was something that wasn’t on my to-do list at all. Occasionally it was to leave the list behind and head to the temple, and thus care for myself so that I had something left for others. 

I learned that serving others of God’s children is serving the least of these. And taking care of ourselves is too! Especially as we seek to become like little children and fit for the Kingdom.