All Clean!

I was sitting behind a family with a busy toddler during Sacrament meeting. The mom was doing her best to focus her little daughter on the Savior during the Sacrament with a small picture book of gospel art.

The little one turned to a picture of the risen Lord in white with arms outstretched, and exclaimed, “Oh, look! All clean!”

I smiled at her innocent interpretation of the body position she might have used to indicate that her hands were sufficiently clean after a messy art project to eat a snack.

Then I smiled more at the profound truth she had so simply stated. Our Savior emerged from the tomb ALL CLEAN! 

Clean from death. Clean from pain. Clean of the sins He had taken upon Himself and Atonement for. Clean from grief, guilt, inadequacy, regret…all the burdens we struggle with that He stands with open arms to lift from us, if we will let Him.

This Easter, I am so grateful for His astonishing love and sacrifice. Because of Him, I may one day return home to our Father and be able to say, “Oh look! All clean!”

~Nita Smith