“Peace be with you”

I didn’t really establish a consistent scripture study habit until near the end of my first marriage. I really needed the connection to Heavenly Father then for guidance and comfort. I began by keeping my scriptures on my pillow so that if I hadn’t read by bedtime, I would be reminded. It worked!

So it’s not surprising that the first time I found a scripture to be direct revelation was also at that time, and that it directed me in how to manage my emotions about my soon to be ex-husband.

D&C 82:23 Leave judgment alone with me, for it is mine and I will repay. Peace be with you; my blessings continue with you. 24 For even yet the kingdom is yours, and shall be forever, if you fall not from your steadfastness. Even so. Amen

I still love this scripture! It reminds me even now how to respond when people I love abandon religious values, family roles, or social and cultural expectations.

Sure, these things make me sad. But I’m not a judge. I can safely leave all that to the Savior, who knows and loves them even more than I do, and who also understands what on earth they are thinking, which I don’t! 

It reminds me that other’s choices need not influence my peace of mind, and can’t change my standing with God or the blessings I receive as I stay on the covenant path. My place in Father’s kingdom can’t be endangered by anyone but me, and He will help me be steadfast.

So it’s easy to love my loved ones unconditionally. All is well. 

~Nita Smith