
A detour took me down an unfamiliar street, and suddenly I was passing a church building that triggered vivid memories.

We had moved with our first baby into an apartment that was free in exchange for cleaning the other apartments in the building, which were mostly occupied by college students.  In our new ward, someone told us we should go to a student ward, as their ward didn’t appreciate people who come and go! Certainly everyone didn’t feel that way, but a few made us feel unwelcome, even though we explained we weren’t enrolled in school and not eligible for another option.

On a summer Sunday, our little girl began to fuss during the Sacrament. Two older ladies in front of us glared, then whispered, then stood and moved to a different pew! while the Sacrament was being passed! I was so embarrassed that I quickly took my daughter out. My husband followed, and he was very angry. He insisted that we leave immediately. He drove to an Arctic Circle restaurant not far from the church and announced that, Sunday or not, he was buying lunch. I said none for me please, and he went to the counter to order for himself.

As I stood hugging my baby, I looked at other people, happily comfortable in tank tops and shorts enjoying ice cream. I thought, “I wish I didn’t know the church was true! I could just relax and eat ice cream and never go back-“

And at that moment, with a burst of light and joy, I realized that I did KNOW! I had believed, but had desired more. And somehow in the last year or two of study and prayer I had moved from belief to surety!

I’ve thought many times of that moment of testimony and light. But I hadn’t thought of the rude behavior of those women in years and years. It’s a bit sad and a bit funny now.

I’m glad now to live in a welcoming, including ward. And very thankful to know that people are human, and church buildings are filled with people still growing. And that regardless of actions of individuals, the Gospel ofJesus Christ is true!

~Nita Smith