
I’ve been thinking a lot about light. 

It seems to grab my attention in conference talks, scripture study, even music. I find myself humming, “The Lord is my light” or “Let the lower lights keep burning” or even, “my light is but a little one” from my primary days.

The world often seems to be a dark place in a dark time. I read news or hear of challenges others are facing, and its easy to feel discouraged. But, every Conference, I look at the faces of prophets, who surely know more than I about the times we are in, and their faces are filled with hope, joy, and light.

In dark times, it’s easy to see light people. 

There isn’t much I can do about war, suffering, apostasy, extreme weather, inflation, political divisiveness…and on and on. But, I can look for light, and rely on the Light of the world. And I can let my little light shine to help others who feel lost or scared in the dark.

2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Let it shine!