Learn to Share and Help Each Other

Three people were in the checkout line when I joined it. The gentleman just leaving was advising the young checker to always pay cash, never have debt.

As she began to assist the next customer, the checker said she’d really like to do that, but couldn’t see how, with tuition and housing and car needs. The customer agreed with her, adding some of the challenges that seniors have. The next lady talked about having a home but fearing that property taxes would drive her from it. 

By the time I arrived, our little checker had tears in her eyes. She apologized, saying she felt really ill and emotional. She was in the early weeks of an unexpected pregnancy, and was wrestling with fear and joy and panic and nausea as well as finances. I told her my favorite remedies for morning sickness, and that I feel such concern for my grandchildren who are at her stage of life, but also feel sure that really great things will work out.

She said ‘I just keep thinking that maybe the universe or the powers that be or whoever is just letting things get harder and harder for all of us until we learn to share and help each other!”

Surprised, I told her that my beliefs exactly match her impression and I thought her very wise. As I walked to my car, I was reminded again that inspiration and comfort aren’t reserved for those of God’s children who attend church. 

I thought of her again as I read Isaiah 26:9 “…..for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” I hope we will!