Stake Announcement

Brothers and Sisters,
This notice is intended to provide information to you regarding what we as
a stake are doing in relation to the pandemic COVID 19 virus.
First and foremost let us remember that the Lord is in charge. He will guide
us, inspire us, bless us, and succor us!
Faith / Facts / Fear are interrelated. May we focus on our faith, use facts
to create direction and ask for inspiration, and address fear that is created
by misinformation and social activity that feeds this emotion.

Since the situation is fluid, as circumstances warrant, we will update stake
policies/guidelines related to dealing with COVID 19.
Below you will find information on topics that we anticipate will be of
interest to many of you. This information is aligned with council we have
received from the our Area Presidency. We have also included a link to
guidance from the CDC and an attachment from Governor Herbert. We
recommend that you use official sources as your guide rather than media
or social media sources that may not be as unbiased, nor as informed as
the official base.
• Food Drive: Postponed.
• Cannery Assignment: We have an assignment on 25 Mar. At this
time, the cannery is operating and therefore still needs us to fulfill our
assignment. As always, but of particular importance at this time, if a
person is not feeling well, he/she should not attend, but rather find
someone who can go in their place, or consult with his/her elders
quorum or relief society president to help find a substitute.
• Temple Cleaning Assignment: We are awaiting information from
the Temple on how/if our assignment 13-18 Apr will change.
• Church Building Cleaning Assignment: Since there will continue to
be some limited use of the buildings, cleaning assignments will
continue as normal. We request that special attention be given to
sanitizing high-touch surfaces.
• Stake Sports: We have suspended all stake sports until further

• Unofficial Sports in The Stake Center: There have been non-
stake/ward sponsored basketball and volleyball games taking place

in the stake center cultural hall. We are suspending unofficial sports
in the Stake Center.
• Stake Aerobics Class: Suspended until further notice.
• Funerals / Weddings: Please follow Governor Herbert’s
announcement and recommendations on group size and
interaction. See attached document. If you are planning a wedding or
funeral, please read, understand, and follow these guidelines in
consultation with your bishop .
This may require some unique modifications in how we have honored
our deceased loved ones. It may look like asking mourners and those
who want to attend, to come in smaller groups at different times. No
handshakes, or hugs. Hand washing or sanitizing before and after
etc. Same with weddings.
○ Funeral Meals for Families: These can be held in the church
but should follow the governor’s guidelines.

• Building Closure: We are not closing our buildings but are being
asked to follow guidelines (group size and social distancing) and look
for ways to minimize exposure to this virus.
• Baptisms: These can be held within the group size limitation and
social distancing guidelines.
• Missionary Meals: It is still important for us to continue providing
missionary meals. However, we do not wish to pressure anyone who
is uneasy about it, or in a high-risk category, to feed the missionaries.
Please be aware that you can deliver a meal to the missionaries rather
than having them in your home. We have been asked NOT to simply
give the missionaries gift cards or cash in lieu of a meal. Ward mission
leaders will continue to coordinate this effort.
• Special Fast. There are no plans for a church-wide or stake fast as of
this time.
• Quorum, Group Activities and Instruction: As instructed by the 1st
Presidency, “Branch, ward and stake activities” have been
“temporarily suspended worldwide”.
• Sacrament: The bishop holds the keys for organizing sacrament
meetings and for the administration of the sacrament. Sacrament
may be administered in homes, as specifically authorized by the
bishop. Refer to your bishop’s guidelines.
If you don’t have an authorized priesthood holder in your home and
have not heard from your ministering brothers and would like to
partake of the sacrament, please reach out to your ministering
brothers, elders quorum president, or bishop.
• Sabbath Day Worship: Do not create sacrament meeting in your
home (hymns, talks, etc.), but feel free to use all the resources we
have been given; scriptures, come follow me, church website, gospel
living app etc. Parents should lead this effort.
• Interviews:
○ Temple recommend: If you need a recommend for a live
ordinance, or to witness a live ordinance (Note: there are strict
limitations on the number of witnesses), or feel strongly about
not letting your recommend lapse, please contact the bishop’s
executive secretary. When complete, please contact the stake
executive secretary. We may employ technology to conduct
these interviews to minimize social contact.
○ Ministering interviews: These should continue. Use of
technology is highly encouraged.
• Patriarchal Blessings: Postponed
• Stake Conference: Postponed.
• General Conference: This conference will be unlike any we have
experienced, but not as the current memes or facebook posts
suggest. This is the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the
beginning of the restoration in this dispensation! Let us not be
distracted from this FACT!! We encourage you to prepare spiritually
and physically to participate in this great event that will bless our
lives, the church, and the world!!