
Recently I attended the funeral of Max Dutson, who was my Bishop when I was baptized, and indeed through most of my childhood.  I had been surprised that his funeral was in Utah rather than in the Idaho town where he lived for so many years, but I was glad that it was close enough […]

A Dream…

I had not planned on a mission. Not at all. So it was a great surprise to me to dream that I was being given the opportunity! And an even greater surprise to wake and realize that I was very excited and honored! I had no idea I’d feel that way. It hasn’t escaped my […]

Mountains of Memories

It’s taken more than a year! But, with the climbing and lifting help from our children and the Loomis family, I’ve sorted through the mountain of stored memorabilia in our basement and garage. A monumental achievement! While sorting, I set aside items that I felt our family members might really want to see and remember. […]


I so enjoyed Conference! I’m always so impressed that prophets, who can see much more than I can of both the world and the future, can be so cheerful and optimistic!  It helps me hope. I also really enjoyed the reports between sessions of many of the Church’s efforts and programs in other parts of […]

A Conference Miracle

It was time for General Conference, in the spring of 1977. It was also a time of great scarcity in my life, financially, emotionally, and even spiritually- perhaps the most difficult time I can recall. I felt an immense desire for the counsel and peace of Conference. But, at that time our little family was […]

An amazing body

We are in the throes of costuming a musical, right in the last two weeks before opening night, when everyone is anxious and tired and keyed up. It’s also the point where we always have a few actors, usually women, who stress and even melt down over the complicated emotions they feel about their bodies. […]


Another grandson joined our family this week! Until I had grandchildren, I didn’t realize I could love someone else’s child as much as I do my own. But it’s easy! I was also surprised by the intensity of the love I feel for my great grandchildren. I now feel pretty sure I’ll love their children […]

Away to School

I spent a day this week helping a grandson move into his college dorm. It was fun to see the excitement as he began reaching for his professional dreams, and the nervous delight as he leapt to a level of autonomy he has anticipated for a long time. I found myself reflecting on my feelings […]


One of my favorite late winter activities for many years has been starting seeds. I’ve poured over seed catalogues, sorted through the file of seeds already purchased or saved, and then carefully planted and nurtured the tiny plants I chose, all the time clearly envisioning the beautiful adult plants I hope, and indeed expect, to […]

With Humble Heart

Several weeks ago we were singingĀ  Hymn # 171, “With Humble Heart.” I wasn’t referring to the hymn book, in fact I was singing with my eyes closed, when I was startled to hear myself sing a different lyric than everyone else!  The third verse says:  “To be like thee! I lift my eyes From […]